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Italiana123, 31 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 394.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 10, 2012
hi!!!! how you been?? do you remeber me?? (:
Reply - Conversation - Aug 31, 2012
hi! i'm italian and would really like to chat a little with you.
It's great to find someone who is studying italian. I can finally be helpful for someone... i guess...
I would really like you to tell me about the place where you live, because I've never been there and i'm sure there are a lot of interesting things i don't know.
estudio tambien espanol asì que si lo quieres podemos hablar un poquito en esta lengua.
by the way it's quite similar to mine so it's quite easy for me. but i'm sure you already know...
what else? i looking foreward to hearing from you.
un bacione :)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2012
Hey, could please clear a doubt? Wich of these is correct: "If you want something in your life happen, you just need to act on it." or "If you want something in your life to happen, you just need to act on it."? c:
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2012
Thank you so much, someone finally explained me that! I was going crazy, 'cause my english teacher is so bad! Really, she doesn't know english and when she explains I don't understand anything!
Thank you :)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2012
Could you please explain me when you use the future with 'will' and the future with 'going to'? I've never understood this!
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2012
First I was writing 'sometimes' but then I thought the correct form was 'some times' >.>
However, you put "la mia" or "il mio" before the name when it's an adjective! And you but "mia" or "mio" after the name when it's a pronoun.
BUT, when you want to say something about you relativies like 'My father', 'my brother', you say 'Mio papà', 'Mio fratello', not 'Il mio papà', 'Il mio fratello'!
For example: IL MIO gatto è dolce (my cat is cute) you put IL MIO because it's an adjective of gatto (cat)!
But if you want to say: di chi è questa penna? E' la mia. (whose is this pen? It's mine.) you put only MIA because it's a pronoun!
Okay? Is this clear? :)
Reply - Conversation - May 15, 2012
I'm pretty good at english, but some times I have some doubt, I could ask you if I've got one? :)
I'm really, really good at italian grammar, so ask me whatever :D
Reply - Conversation - May 14, 2012
Hey, I could help you with italian, if you want! And if you want, you could help me with english! It would be great :) ahah
inactive user
It's the Dutch word. I mean peek- a boo- ( on your photo comment)
inactive user
well thanks,
I love jazz to.
The kiekeboe I see u is creepy by the way.
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