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Ipce123, 32 y.o.
Suwon, South Korea [Current City]

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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 51.
inactive user
:DD KEKE lol it was weird w/ at the end w/ their children haha
:OO oh it sounds fun~ what did u do there x)
ahah lucky:DD
but you deserve a break ^^ What time does school usually start and end x)
inactive user
:DD keke I'm fantastic
and you? I have a lot of homework :((
LOL! keke did u post it up? :))
ahah! really? XD Did u see the last movie??!
inactive user
:D I have a wacom fun tablet! haha
I don't use it much though :T
LOL! awesome x) are you used to it yet? haha
Reply - Conversation - Jul 26, 2011
I 'm more late than you! I 'm so sorry...!
Yeah, i d like to learn more languages. :/
haha if your teacher had a nice voice i forgive him too. hehe
Of course, please add me :)
What about your vacations??
inactive user
:D haha its okay~
LOL congrats x) I have one too~
which one are u getting?
inactive user
Hi's beem a while....i'm sorry for unable to be online last monday...i was out of time for a few days and still am...
But i'll be back home in a few days...for now, I can just be online if I had internet connection
inactive user
:D haha
ooh! cool! ^^ I shall try it one day keke
inactive user
xD oh! I use the same~ haha
I used to use open canvas then I switched to SAI tool xDD
LOL I haven't heard of B-tool yet :O
inactive user
Haha its okay~ ^^
keke thanks~ :D I like that one too!! haha. I wanna draw people in traditional clothes keke! LOL~ :D you can!
Keke~ I like computer programs ;D What program?
inactive user
I'm sure you wrote an amazing essay! >:)
Your english is perfectly fine!! ahah. Believe!
LOL x)
I uploaded it keke, its in my album~
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