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Ilmi, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 121.
inactive user
hello my good friend of mine iwould like to get intourch with u as ur pal s friend by exchanges email and snail so let me hope u will be interesting to keep on our friendship forever
Reply - Conversation - Mar 23, 2012
salam how are u doing. my name is zakaria from burkina faso. have o look on my profile message
inactive user
How are you is - hur mår du? in swedish :)
It's pretty ok living in Sweden.. I don't like the cold weather here though.. But otherwise it's great! :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2012
Enköping is not famous.

Well the her mother is a daughter of the swedish king and queen. And she will become queen later in the future, after her mother.

I am longing so much to get to visit a tropical country. I jst need to work a lot for it and save money.

Wich fruits are your favourites?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2012
I live in Enköping in 2011 we had 39 914 inhabitants.
Its an hour west of out captitol Stockholm..

Sweden is nice. Spring started last thursday and we got a new princess on that day.

And i bought two kiwis today, for the same price as a kilo of mangoes.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 24, 2012
That is almost for free!

Yes i really like the taste of them. And since they are so expensive i dont eat them very often.

When i was younger we used to live a bit outside of the city and then we had six apple trees, rasberry bushes, strawberries, wild strawberries, two cherry trees, rhubarb plants, gooseberry bushes(gooseberries are round, similar in the size of a grape and striped. The taste range from sour to sweet.) and one pear tree that refused to give fruit.

And in the forest behind out house we picked blueberries, lingonberries and mushrooms.

I am a woman that love fruit. And i often prefer fresh fruit before candy.
inactive user
that is what a community is all about. You're right to love your people. I' have to go for a little bit, Ilmi. I should be back pretty soon. That's of curse if you are still online. lol. I'll message you. :)
inactive user
People are just too concerned about themselves here. They have grown to be too materialistic, selfish, self-absorbed. They'd rather watch Reality T.V shows than learn about what is going on in the world and what they can do.
inactive user
Umm yes we do here. But the majority are not interested.
inactive user
Oh great. Good for you. Do you have any prior experience?
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