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Hyunji You, 33 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 653.
inactive user
hey, long time......... we last talked ages ago. how are you of late?
inactive user
OMG ! I did not reply to, and since VERYYYY long time, defitinely~ Wowww...
So so sorry !
How are you ?
inactive user
A friend is sweet when it is new. And it is sweeter when it is true. But you know what? It is sweetest when it is u....I cherish the day I met you & became your friend. HAPPY FRIENDSHIP DAY...:))
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2010
inactive user
can you help me in my studies?

I need a help.
I am doing a project on internationa​​​​l marketing management as a part of my studies.

In that project I have to take a country and a product and have to do analysis of that. I have to choose a country other than India.

for example : If I take Japan as a country and cars as a product then I will have to do analysis of Japan's culture, economy,peop​​​​le and analysis of car market in Japan based on that have to make a business strategy to enter into japan's car market.
basically it is about lauching your product in a foreign country.

Now what I need from you.

I want you to tell me which is a famous product of your country. I mean for what your country is known ? Like India is known for Tea, softwares etc.

I want you help to select a product if I choose your country.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 11, 2010
inactive user
Wow. That sounds pretty nice. How was it?
inactive user
I like winter.
Here also it is too cold but today in the morning here there was rain fall and now in the evening it is much cold.
inactive user
so it is confirmed that there will be movie of iris..??

yeah...theres a lot of movies coming up..
ghost movies, comedy movies (my spy - the name of the movie)
ive seen the my spy is funny movie....seems to be very interesting..haaha...
inactive user
My Christmas was good =D

how was your Christmas and New Year?
Also, happy new year!
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