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Ho Taek Oh, 32 y.o.
Anyang-si, South Korea [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 481.
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Your welcome ^_^
Im zoze :) nice to meet you :)
inactive user
What?? What?? Do I have food in my teeth or something? hahaha, you should know that I am now profoundly irritated because I don't know what you are laughing at :P ㅎㅎㅎㅎ
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2010

Mianhae yo~!! My reply is sooooo late! TT-TT
Please forgive me.. >.<

Ahaha~ You're also better in languages than maths? xD
I always failed at maths, but languages~ I loved them!! ^0^ kkk

What have you been doing lately? For me, school has been tiresome and torturing!! @.@
I will have exams in November! >.<

Hahaha~! Oh, you're 170cm tall? That's a great length! kkkk
Hihi, no I'm not like the real Dutch girls who are about 175cm tall or even taller! O.o' kkk

Hmm~ I'm not sure about what I want to be.. I like learning Psychology, but I'm not sure if I want to make it my profession~
Wow~! You want to major in biology? That is so interesting!
Did you always want to study that? And which college or university do you have in mind?

Hahaha~ Of course!! I should know about such things, right?
Aw, you studied all day long? I admire you! kkk
I wouldn't be able to do that! Oh, when will you have the K-SATs then?
Ahaha, don't worry about that~!! ^-^

I hope you can forgive the late reply! TT-TT
Have a nice day~!! ^-^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 28, 2010
esterday we broke our city's record high at 110° (That's over 43° C). So hot....
Anyway, how did your midterm exam go?? What was it for?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2010
AHH ho Taek, I didn't forget about you hahaha
I haven't been on in so long that I forgot how many messages I had XP
Sorry sorry :/ How have you been lately?
In school today, the weather is 40 DEGREES C!
SOOO HOT!!!! And we don't have air conditioning in our apartment... So I am staying at school in the cool air... Soo hot... I felt like melting outside...
inactive user
well im fluent in english and ok at spanish and german- i can have a short conversation about different topics :)
what about you? :)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 26, 2010
Wow~ You must love languages then! kkk
I also love to learn languages~ I'm better at that than Maths or
Economics.. >.>
I really want to learn Korean though~!! Maybe you could help me sometime~? ^-^

Aaah, it's so great that you like the Netherlands!
I don't hear from many people who are interested in my country.. kkk
Ah! Yes, Guus Hiddink! I'm glad for what he did in Korea~
Ahahaha~ well most Dutch people are quite tall, yes.
Average is about 175cm to 180cm.
But I'm not tall~ I'm only 160cm... >.> kkk
How tall are you then??

Aw~ I really want to study in Korea! Right now, I go to college
and I'm studying Psychology. So I really want to go Korea for that!!
Do you already have an idea of what you want to be~?
I'm guessing something with languages? kkk
Aw, it would be nice if you could be my guide! kk
If you ever plan to come to the Netherlands, I will show you around too~! ^0^

Oh! And how is your Chu Seok holiday~? I hope you have lots of fun!
inactive user
yeah but its my real name :L my parents didnt realise
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