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Leila, 31 y.o.
Saint Clair, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 94.
inactive user
**** u idiot
Reply - Conversation - Mar 11, 2015
I'm friendly! xD
inactive user
wow. thank u random person, who clearly has no idea who I am and basing some random opinion about me by merely reading my profile. also posting such "harsh" things on my profile for everyone to see shows how well mannered u are, unlike me! I must thank u again for "enlighting" me with ur opinion, which I couldn't care less about. if u don't like what my profile represents, u might wanna consider blocking or simply staying away. as it says in profile, I wouldn't like to talk to idiots, so see u around kiddo
inactive user
Hi Leila! Thanks for sent me mssge. your words makee me a little bit confused, because so much new words that I heard for the first time.
The true, my name is Nina. Ompong is my little name. it mean toothless actually when u translate it into english. hohoho. Yes my country is look crazy. But if you stay here together assimilate with the society, you'll fall in love with Indonesia. and of course you need a long time to really know how indonesia is. yes sometime I am a high energy, but sometimes too I am an insane. lol
No I am common girl i think. because indonesian people all love sauces. Every food that we eats, there's a sauce on it. So when I don't found out any sause on it, I'll add it by myself. Maybe it is one of disease saose for me. American should try spicy food. it is soo delicious..
My sentences is very mess i think. I hope you'll not get confused !
inactive user
Crop fields! It was Native American land... battle fields. .. it's everywhere! Your area is near where Native Americans did lots of trading with Europeans. :) I bet there are a lot of buried treasures under what has been built on top.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2014
i am majoring in accounting...n u ?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 14, 2014
yes...R U student
Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2013
lol my account got banned in less than a day after messaging karenciiita
inactive user
Rest in piece Leila. You will be missed and I will avenge you, you can trust me in that. I call upon my ancestors to guide me in this inhumanity that I am about to commit.

We shop together, we die together. Bad Girls 4 lyf.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 25, 2013
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