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Haytham, 34 y.o.
Cairo, Egypt [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 209.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2010
Welcome!!... ah,I so organized with your points lol lol cool
Yaya...thats good!! agentina and germany..hmmm.. im scared lol
Im do play for fun??
inactive user
Aww, don't worry about that! I'm never too busy for my friends ^^ I miss talking to you so always IM me on msn :D
Thank you so much for the wishes! Faraz and my relationship is a bit different, I guess. Because we've been friends for over 5 years :):) I really hope everything works out!
And you're really too sweet, Haytham :D i'm glad to have found a friend like you too!
inactive user
Haha! Thank you, thank you :P
We need to talk often Mr.Doctor! You always keep disappearing xD
Don't ask about my UAE plans -_- I want to go so bad, but my dad isn't sending me :(
inactive user
LOL! Look who's talking! We all know who the flirt is, Haytham :P :D Don't try to deny it. Haha!
inactive user
:D ahaa and wut's up, from America.
inactive user
OMG! Did you see that picture?? Haha! I don't believe it xD I looked like a little monkey on the tree!
And come on, Haytham! You still look good xD
inactive user
Oh yes.. I saw your childhood pictures on Facebook xD You looked very cute! Hehe!
inactive user
Haha that's true :D I wouldn't like it too if I had to keep studying when everyone else could have fun :P
Oh, I meant if you have a new girl friend now ^^
inactive user
Yes, it really does! Ever since I've known you, you keep studying and giving exams -_- But you must be very smart too, Haytham ;) Hehe!
Ooh okay.. Faraz is doing good :):)
Talking about girl friends, are you seeing anyone right now?? ;)
inactive user
Aww, you're always studying! And your exams are so far off :O
I think you need to take a vacation xD
My life is good :) But who is Khawwar?? Do you mean Faraz? :P
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