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Hayoung, 27 y.o.

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 417.
inactive user
괜찮아~ 나도 시험이 일주일 남아서 바빴어ㅠㅠ~~ 이번시험 끝나면 방학이 오고 벌써 한학기가 끝났네!!ㅎㅎ
inactive user
Hello! Do you mind to get to know each other ? :)
I'm Hélène from France and I'm 16~ I saw that you're studying French too ? How is it ?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 24, 2013
inactive user
조금만 있으면 시험이야!! 고등학교 첫시험! 끝나면 한가해지겠지?:)
inactive user
안녕!! 잘지냇어??:)
inactive user
안녕!! 잘지냇어??:)
inactive user
Aha ;v; You're super sweet to me as well though. ;0;
Oh!~ I hate exams ;___;
what's what? ^^;

Ikr ;0; <3
inactive user
Nice, why? ;0; I didn't do anything ^^;
It's okay, why are you apologizing? v; Good luck <3 google study help?
We really do o_o
inactive user
You're welcome ;v; ♡
Because exams and such next week ;~; I'm scared I'll fail D;
inactive user
Aaaw ;0; Good luck <3
I've been stressed as well ;___;
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