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Half-Pint, 30 y.o.
Gold Coast, Australia [Current City]


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Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 460.
inactive user
Hey Alicia!

How are you? I'm so glad I found you here again. I deleted you here a while ago cause I figured we never talk here. We just talk on FB but than I deleted my FB xD
So, here we go again :D
So, what's new with you? What has been going on in your life?
Are you still living with your boyfriend?
I'm still super happy with mine, it's gonna be 7 months in a couple of weeks. I can't believe how fast time is passing by :D
And I finished College. Yihaa! :D :D :D
inactive user
inactive user
Dich hab ich schon seit Ewigkeiten nicht mehr gesehen.
Lebste noch? :D
inactive user
Hey Alicia! Wie geht´s?
inactive user
hello aussie! greetings from malaysia! :D hows the weather there? good? its hot here! hahha hope we can be friends! hey do u like snail mailing? if u do, u can be my penpal! :D
inactive user
I love reading the conversations between you guys! xD
Plus there was one error that made me rofl xD
inactive user
haha ^^
ich denke, dass wir das nicht nur einmal gesagt haben :p
aber es ist wahr :)
inactive user
ahhh stimmt das.
ich find's lustig, dass wir total gemütlich auf Deutsch oder Englisch zu sprechen sind :)
inactive user
wenn meine Mama Deutsch oder Spanisch sprechen würde, würde ich ganz gerne an ihr sprechen xD
inactive user
* echte nette
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