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Eric, 58 y.o.
Norwich, United Kingdom [Current City]
London, United Kingdom [Hometown]


Looking for



Graduate degree

Relationship status


Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
Gone with the wind????
inactive user
░☆░☆░ Just drivin' by ░☆░☆░
Beep beep ,just dropping you off a smile ... Have a great Sunday my sweet friend.
inactive user
Still strong i hope!!!

inactive user

how are you my name is julian

i saw your profile today and became intrested

please write me through my email

([email protected]) so i can send you

my picture and tell you more about me.
inactive user
Have a great humpday my sweet friend. Tomorrow will be the jumpday that leads you through the so deserved week-end. ;)
inactive user
Hiya Eric

How are things going my dear friend? Hope you're fine.

Take care

inactive user
Thank God! Was affraid I said something very stupid without knowing it....
inactive user
Ok, try me, I know what Ink is in English, so... what's Hoog? :-)
inactive user
Think positive sweetie. I know it's easier to say than to do.
As the saying goes " Every cloud has a silver lining"

Take care
Reply - Conversation - Jan 26, 2012
hi~thank u for visiting~:)
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