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Saskia, 27 y.o.
Bogor, Indonesia [Current City]

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Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 7 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 9 of 9.
inactive user
Rapopo ta dhik Piyo. Panglima juga sering stalking profil orang. Khususnya profilnya arek Bogor! hahaha Bercanda aja deh! hihi
Salam tulip dari Belanda untik adhikmu ya dhik Piyo. :))
inactive user
Oalaaah dhik Kia begadang lagi nih. Mau jadi kalong ta! hihihi
inactive user
Hi Dhik Piyoooo. Sampeyan gak pernah cemberut yo! Tetep jadi FRIENDLY PIYO! Hehehe Panglima kebanyakan lihat Ajiz Ga...Ga Ga....Gagap! Jadi ketularan bego dan kocak nih! lagi! hihihi
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2017
Ohh, aku juga sih di Kabupaten nya.. Tp klo aku di parung hampir deket sama tangsel :D
Reply - Conversation - Mar 30, 2017
Haha iyaaa salam kenal jg :D
Kamu bogor nya dimana?
inactive user
haha thank you ;)
Reply - Conversation - Mar 29, 2017
Yeah it's a great hobby and you can go to all the places and do all the things you like when you sleep^^
inactive user
Panglima mau joget sama dhik Kia aja deh. Siap aja kita jadi tontonan orang! Paling tidak pementasannya direkam reporter sctv! Dhik Kia berani enggak? hehehe Pulang sekolah langsung berselancar di Internet ya dhik Kia? ;))
inactive user
Hihihi make me dance like a crazy monkey! Dhik Kia mau njoget sama panglima ya!
Salam kompeni!
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