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Flor, 35 y.o.
Córdoba, Argentina [Current City]


Looking for


Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 223.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 18, 2013 are you..looking for a frnd???
Reply - Conversation - Nov 27, 2010
how are you?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 28, 2010
Woah! I have not talked to you in like 2 years. How's life in Argentina? Are you staying inside reading a book when everyone else is partying after the game?
inactive user
"tough I love dancing arabic music. Been doing that for almost 6 years. " <----- Y no paraste ni para ir al baño?

So feel free to write and ask whatever you want :) :P
Reply - Conversation - Sep 22, 2009
I'm still at home at the moment. I live 11 hours from where I study. I'm not looking forward to driving back! At least I will be picking up a friend of mine 4 hours into the journey so the rest of the way won't be so bad.
I hope your exams go well! Mine are in November.
What did you get a tatoo of?
I'll see if I can add you to facebook :)
inactive user
Hola, que tal? Como estas?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2009
We won the semi-final game but lost in the finals, but it was still a good effort!
I've just been working on assignments and moving out of my dorm. I fly home for the 2 week holidays on Saturday morning; I can't wait!
What are your plans for the weekend?
Do you have facebook or anything?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2009
I'm wonderful, thanks! I have a netball game today- my team has made it into the semi-finals, so I'm excited about that!
How about you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 28, 2009
Hi Flor! Would you like a new friend from Australia?
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