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Sami, 29 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]
Espoo, Finland [Hometown]


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Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 58.
inactive user
All in all, this is just another message on your wall :)
inactive user
dude i just got my new computer. Does yours have windows 8.1? Cause mine does and it's trippy as hell!!!! Never have i used an OS that's so futeristic and hard for me to use XD
inactive user
viking...funeral? it? I'm intrigued. Do tell!
inactive user
OMFG! YOU GOT YOUR NEW COMPUTER?!?!?!!!!!!!!!! yaaaaaƤy!!!! i get mine tomorrow. i have to sign for it..sp i slept 11 hrs today so i can stay up tomorrow.. because i hace to sign for it. i kinda sleep like a rock so if the mailmain comes when im sleeping i wont wake up. ill be fcked and ill have to go down to post office. screw that! :D im exciteeed! :3

off to work now!
inactive user
Yeah-- i too hate hospitals. they creep me out D: moreso than even churches do!
inactive user
More than anything she's really depressed. :( I feel so bad..her whole life will be different now. ;___; She hates being away from home in a hospital 4.5 hours away..blaaah :(
inactive user
lmao wow... lets burry these ancient relics in a time capsule so 200 years later people can laugh at us :D i bet there will be computers in their minds or something super advanced like that. Oye.

Well, my sister just had a stroke a few days ago so..i have to push my finland trip back to november or so. but i will so go this year so no worries on that : P
inactive user
Well awesome! Hes a good friend of mine! ill let him know and send him your way!

oh but of coure my dear im not that shallow. I love finland for more than its music. i love it because everytime i think about Suomi, i cry. tears of pure joy. Its the only place in the world im welcomed and feel at home.

Hm..not too sure yet. Im still trying to decide what hotel in Helsinki i want to stay in. i need to study the steet maps as well. Still much to do!

oh way. My laptop is a peice of junk! Its an ancient relic of our time. its a ghost laptop too. 9 years old and it turns on by itself and overheats itselg. then when i want to use it after days of [not] using feels hot. im always like "wtf ?? did it turn itself on again and sit there for hours? uuugh" the copy of windows is not genuine and its missinv 12 keys. the screens cracked too. i was aying WoW & went into rage mode D: i JUST bought a new desktop yesterday. 16gb mem 1 terrabite harddrive. graphics card is great and it plays blue ray dvds! all for $400!!!!!!!!!! now ill buy 22"" monitor for epic gaming! :O

Ill get my new comp in a few days. Just in time!

YES!!!! be active! youre so nice to talk to!!! dont go away!!
inactive user
Moooi! When can you get a new computer? : D
Yes, many people have said that aswell. ..
It's a very.. Long story as to why i resonate so well with finland
But moral of the story. It's my home. <3 and my heart and soul belong to finland.
i was meditating on a past life a few years back. Had some weed. Listening to Sigur Ros and then it came to me. I lived in Northern Finland and had a husband and a baby boy. I was a nurse. Thats all i know for sure. My boy left to go to america and work for a newspaper company and for a better life (it was like, uugh i suppose WW1 era?) My husband and i lived our lives out together ..And we died months apart from eachother.

also i see you're a fan of Serj. I love him! <3

I think i might have an interpaller you should talk to. He's from brazil and he's one of the most spiritually enlightening people I've ever talked to. He's a child of light and a profound soul. I think you would have very philosophical talks with him.

Btw i'll be in Finland this fall! My dream!! :D
inactive user
i want to skype with the intellectual finnish man! :O
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