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Faraaz, 31 y.o.
Luxembourg, Luxembourg [Current City & Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


Audit Manager

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
this site is better -
Reply - Conversation - Jan 29, 2019
Bonjour, Faraaz. Je m'apelle Daniël.
Je m'apprends le Français et j'apprécierais vraiment quelqu'un avec qui je le peux practiquer.
Moi, j'aime aussi la poësie et j'écris aussi mes propres poèmes.
Je vous peux dire beaucoup de la vie en Afrique de Sud si ça vous interesse.
J'attends de tes nouvelles :-)
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2016
Wonderful Poem :-)
inactive user
heyy happy bday my friend!!
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2015
What about you,how are you? Anything new?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 2, 2015
Hi,I am not so busy but I am now going home from work. I haven't worked on my school yet,my argentinian friend will come to visit me in December. See you later,take care!
Reply - Conversation - Sep 30, 2015
Namaste,bhai,aap kaise hai? I would like to help you. I am working all day so I might be busy not to reply to you quickly,I am sorry for that. Because I feel like needing to write to you in long messages, for short messages I can reply more quickly but for long message I have to think more carefully. I can tell you something about the problems here. Do you use whatsapp or wechat? I want to learn Hindi now,so would you speak to me more in Hindi? Why you changed your country to India,you are originally from Kosi,haha,I got it.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2015
Yes I agree with you about the plan of opening my language center,I think it should first start from the small sides, from the very beginning,to hire a classroom and teachers. But I think my class should more special I have to create a new type of studying method which to attract students more. And at the beginning I should not charge for much money,I should give some discount and free classes. You might give me advice haha.

I think you should get to know more information about China,Korean,Singapore from people who live there and then try to travel here and see if you truly want to stay there. I think it is not so difficult to find job here,because the economy is thriving here and China is developing very fast, it is difficult because there is much population.

Good to hear that you have Chinese friends and think good about China and Chinese people . Welcome to China. Yes,Chinese culture is unique and interesting.

You may teach me learn Urdu or Hindi by writing in these languages to me,I would use Google translator to understand new words.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 16, 2015
Ok,see you later,you take care too!
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