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FairyBlue, 56 y.o.
Medford, United States [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 30.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 14, 2020
Maybe that could be something for you ;)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 20, 2019
Nope, but the happy happy joy joy is stronger than ever inside (with what is going on outside in the big world beyond my personal illusion, I make the most of each moment that life on this planet survives). I checked email today for the first time in months and found an email telling me you left this here. Just 3,000 miles away, we're almost neighbors. I was halfway there in Kansas City just ten days ago, we could have met halfway at the arch lol. Maybe I should capitalize Arch, it's big, after all.

I should update the profile, but probably not for the moment. I don't spend much time online these days and when I do, I feel like I am neglecting my writing to myself. The selfish writer longs for babble, just not enough to make a lot of time for it these days. Working a lot and loving living takes much of my time (I may never retired completely, but I've had more than 15 years of very wonderful time away from the rat races in this life already (my advice to kids is retire when you're young, it's a wonderful gift wasted on the elderly... there's plenty of time to work when you get older. Ok, so I may not be the best influence according to a large portion of humanity in the western world lol). After work, softball and just this week, a work-organized Kickball team, has me out at nights and on weekends. It's just becoming light when I leave and often after dark when I get home.

I may be making excuses, but hey, a few hours sleep is a good thing, even if I totally agree with Poe (yes, I explored your profile... mutual smile?).

So now I wander off for who knows how long. Time is relative, as is everything else. Want to know more? (somehow I think I might like that, though impulsivity and snap decisions have not always been my best friends lol, I still trust my instincts... I think), check out Bugs Webbot on the Facebook (in my opinion, it is an ironic misnomer as most people just show their bottom there, but hey, I am there almost as little as I am here the last few years, so what do I know lol).

I'd put an email address in this message, but I think I recall reading they delete those. I might be found by googling candoor. but then, that could be telling. Everyone has a gmail account too, right? Are we laughing?

Sometimes the amusement is all in my mind...

Thanks for asking, stopping by, and being alive. Yay for your inner runner coming out. Be safe, be wise, take care of your self, and maybe we shall cross paths one day. :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 10, 2018
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2017
I was morning in Cottage Grove and call Houston Texas home. Happy New Year and take care of your knees.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 3, 2017
Hmmmm. Lazy ex-marathoner daring to challenging myself to communicate with current marathoner for motivation and ridicule (when all else fails to motivate). I am laughing as that is truth, though probably not the best opening "personal ad" :)

Hopefully your sense of humor is as strong as your dedication to running and staying healthy. I play ball (mostly softball several times a week), but definitely let the runner in me sleep for a long time and I am not sure he'll wake up - but I'm not one to live vicariously too much so I must be writing to you for some reason. :)

Hope life is smiling and your race results are satisfying. :)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2016
sport mature beauty
inactive user
i ama runner too..presently running half marathons but thinking of graduating to full. wanna chat sometime?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 18, 2016
Glad that you keep fit, my knee's dont let run anymore, so I bike and do other things.. Keep up the good work.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you welcome to Dubai i hope u like
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