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Erinn, 29 y.o.
Cedar Hill, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 601.
Reply - Conversation - Aug 21, 2012
Lol that's funny...damn we are long lost twins <3
We still haven't found anything different between us two which makes it perfect....
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2012
hey your profile is so Awesome :)))
inactive user
Hey we should so snail mail(:
inactive user
Hey sweetie :)

Ugh, sorry that I never message you or anyting I feel really bad, so therefore I am going to write you this somewhat long wall comment :) I have not been on Interpals in like a week I think because my aunt just got married so, we celebrated that for a long time. I hope your doing okay. How is school? :) Hope your keeping your grade up haha. I sound like your mum..and how is your bf? Hope yo u are suuper good sweet heart! love you very much!!<3
Reply - Conversation - Nov 14, 2011
Hey you!.. i love you :P
Sorry my phone's broken D: But i'm waiting for your letter :)
inactive user
Hey sweetie :) I know, we haven't spoke in forever it seems. Im doing great thanks! Been busy, I"m back in Sweden now :] What about you darling? Aww haha you are too sweet!! xx
inactive user
how are you honey :)
inactive user
oh no.. What's wrong?
iv been better.
I dumped my bf a couple months ago and he's being really immature about it. But I'm kinda seeing someone else excepy it's complicated because of the age difeence. But other than that I'm great. I got a job at a bakery so I'm officially a barista :)
Reply - Conversation - Oct 5, 2011
awh! thanks girl, first time I've ever dyed it... still have mixed feelings

inactive user
heeey!:) i remember you.
we use to talk a lot
but then i stopped using this thing
and now im back!! =D
how are you?
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