Displaying posts 1
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of 253.
I too am a fan of Stereopony! Do you have a favorite song from them? Anyway, greetings from Chicago and wish you a hpapy new year
Jumping Jesus H. Huckleberry Christ on a crotch!!!
You know, I came here to make friends and improve my language skills, but I have yet to do either of those things lately :(
Irony’s alive somewhere, but it sure isn’t here
Black Friday impulse buy. Vaporeon/Showers plushie
Look to the cookie. Look to the cookie. Look to the cookie
Guess now is a good a time as any to do something I haven’t done in awhile: love myself
I hope every other country is having a great stress-free day today. Cause we in America are not 😩
Stupid daylight savings time. Making me think it’s later than it actually is 😖
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