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Inka Lindqvist, 41 y.o.
Porvoo, Finland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


High school

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 46.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12
Absolutely! I'd be delighted to do snail mail. I'll message you my address. I'd love to hear more about your fanfics! Naturo is so fun!
Reply - Conversation - Apr 12
Hi! I live in the US and looking to make a penpal friend who can help me practice Finnish and learn more about the country. What's your current fanfiction genre?
inactive user
this site is better -
inactive user
Have a wonderful day.
inactive user
Great. Let's speak in English then.
I have been studying and watching videos on the internet, trying to learn, what have you been up in the middle of the pandemics?
Hope you are doing fine, take care.
inactive user
How is it going?
Do you also reject south Americans?
anyway greetings from Bolivia
Reply - Conversation - Jan 9, 2020
Terve inka, minä olen Walesista Isobritanniassa ja mä opiskelen suomea. Minä etsin suomalaisia kieliystäviä parantamaan suomeani.
Voimmeko tulla kieliystävinä?
inactive user
Kak dela
Reply - Conversation - Mar 17, 2019
Hola Inka. Soy Alejandro y soy de México
Cómo estás?
inactive user
Again new year , Happy birthday my dear friend :)
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