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Emmalouise, 36 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 16, 2010
hey u was my random pal so i wanna say hi! by the way i love glasgow very much!
greetzs from germany:)
inactive user
Hi Ciamar a tha thu?? :) Is mise Jenny. 'Sann à Sealainn Nuadh a tha mi. Now I'm living in Switzerland and learning German (among other languages, especially my fav Arabic hehehe). You know so many languages!!! Awesome :D I would love to learn some more Gàidhlig, some of my ancestors used to speak it... plus it just sounds awesome. I saw the movie Seachd, wow, that was so cool! 'S math sin! Have you seen it? :)
Well anyway hope all is well with you!
Tha mi toilichte do choinneachad​​h :)
inactive user
ram yer hoops sonshine!!
Reply - Conversation - May 27, 2008
:) take care
inactive user
hi there, xmas were good and new year was better haha, i was with my family in christmas and i stayed at my village for holidays until today ^^, i was with friends in a festival in the beach on new year haha, it was great, we finished it on midday the next day haha
Reply - Conversation - Jan 4, 2008
i wanna befriend with you ^^
inactive user
Huh? are you in spain now? haha, well, if you stay here on new year\'s eve... yes, it can be good, we have good parties haha (at least in the east zone of spain... the mediterranean coast hehe)
inactive user
Hellow, things are good, ready for christmas, holiday and party, how about you?
inactive user
I\'m fine thanks ^^, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 10, 2007
Hey, sorry about the late reply. Been somewhat busy with studies and whatnot. Apart from studies, the holidays have been alright.
Do you get breaks at all from work?
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