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Allison , 31 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 59.
inactive user
Sorry for begin missing in action about myself. Here is a little sharing about myself:

Oh! Begin myself does not mean i have to act out. At least i am accepting myself regardless in whatever situations.

Example i may get angry, there is nothing wrong begin angry just that i am aware of the arises of anger and also knowing how does this anger relate to me. And by doing so, the anger is no more a way to make me feel a shame and gulity. Rather i am more clear at the instant of anger and i may choose another way to express myself appropriatel­­y.

Of course end of the day, if I would knew that I have hurt someone feelings. I will check with that person when I did that to him or her, what did she/he felt? i will apoloize if they felt hurting. And also telling him/ her what are my thoughts behind my anger, its could be a breakdown in communicatio­­n and lots unreality assumption. In addition to this i will tell him or her how much I love/care for him/her. Always keep an open mind to things.

Would love to hear from you.


inactive user

How are you doing? I have open an clinic since 9th Jan 2008. Pretty busy with work.

Wished you are well and happy.

Have fun with this video


Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2007
Ah ^^
Thats cool ^^

So, What have you been up to lately?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 11, 2007
Yeah ^^
It is always good to be able to change tactics and styles ^^
Some people are easy to throw and some you just have to smash to bits.

ah... just kidding ^^
Im not doing any smashing ( atleast not right now).

How long have you practised Aikido?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2007
Right now I practice Shaolin wushu (kung fu), Shotokan Karate, Iaido and Kobudo.

Ah ^^
Aikido is great ^^
But the techniques of Aikido are easy to counter ^^
Atleast when you have trained Ukemi alot and your body is all freaky and doenst work the way it should ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2007
Im in alot of pain...
I have Chronic pain... so Im always in pain...

So... what are you up to?
You like elves huh?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2007
Hi there ^^
How are you? ^^
Reply - Conversation - Sep 7, 2007
my accuracy address is
Hyundai beachAPT 101/905 Bangeodong Donggu Ulsan
I\'ll wait your letter *^^*
Reply - Conversation - Sep 6, 2007
hi, long time no see
the letter isn\'t arrive yet.
Maybe did you sent a letter to me?
if that happens you sent correctness an address the letter to me? otherwise my letter isn\'t arrive to you?
Reply - Conversation - Sep 4, 2007
math is ok ...but i like art the most ...and i hate band my teacher is a realy ***!>_<
(i play the flute)
but ya i have been good i love being back in school i have seen a lot of my friends and i missed them all so much over summer (we all got jobs to get the things we really wanted this year this way our moms and dads don\'t have to get the things we want for us because i dont think they like the things we like at all!lol
but ya i love the new pic. and if i had one i would put a new pic of me up ...but sadly i dont have one....hmmm
ok well i have to go for to day but hope to talk to you soon
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