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El_yarsoninho, 38 y.o.
Łowicz, Poland [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance


Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 129.
inactive user
Tak, dość dużo. Na samym początku w ogóle nie rozumiałam tych całych zasad odmieniania czasowników. W języku angielskim tego nie ma. haha Ale nadal robię dużo błędów ortograficznych i gramatycznych. Mam dobrą nauczycielkę! Uczy mnie od 10 lat i jest jak moja druga mama ;)
inactive user
ha hahaahh
or beer yeah
and that's pity russian team is no more to play:(( dunno what about poland
good luck anyway
inactive user
dziś wyjatkowo słonecznie:)
inactive user
accepted! a virtual bet sounds interesting:P will see till the next match))
inactive user
ha hahha u made laugh, seriously
inactive user
it's a matter of time ;)
inactive user
inactive user
Maybe the methodology is boring because the topic itself sure sounds interesting and worth studying! :)
Yes, I actually did meet my boyfriend here and we've been together for almost 1,5 year now :)
inactive user
Oh, be sure I will, what else is there left to do anyway? :) What are yu writing about? :)
inactive user
Good look with your dissertation! :) We're all a part of big, QLC family, so soon we'll just all get out in the streets to protest with a huge banner KURWA MAĆ :)
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