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Katyushka, 33 y.o.
Rostov-na-Donu, Russia [Current City]

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Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 5 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 10.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 3, 2013
OK! Scratch Cuban cigars. XD
Sorry I don't know any other way to write.
How about this?
I do not like green eggs and ham
I do not like them Sam-I-am
inactive user
приветствие мое слово движется, я из Бали, Indonē
Я хочу иметь много друзей из других стран
Если вы не помните, вы можете поставить меня на своих друзей или ответственность за свои собственные сообщения.
спасибо :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2013
hello my name Virz, I'm from Bali,
I want to have many friends from other countries
if you do not mind can you add me to your friends or reply my message ..
thanks :)
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2013
Okayyyyyy!!! Yeah I know. Can't even joke about your own president. Next thing you know you'll be trying to suck some moisture out of a rotten potato in some labor camp in Siberia. XD
Same deal with me. Make a joke about Obama and boom, your butt in the hole at Gitmo, Cuba. Watch. Hey Obama! You fuzzy headed commie puke! XD Stop ruining the US Dollar!!!

OK that's not a joke. That's a rant. XD
OK! So! If all goes well, I'll be sending you some messages from Cuba soon! Hope they have internet down there. I know the Castro brothers do, at least.
You like Cuban cigars? Maybe I could send you some. XD
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2013
hello nice meeting you I'm Jorge, how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2013
Me neither.
To hell with 'em. XD

I want to apologize to all Russians. I made a joke yesterday. The punchline was "Vladimir Putin's cue ball head." I'm abivalent in my feelings toward Putin. I don't live there. But hey. Always take the easy shot. XD
btw, Have you noticed his name is an anagram for "dim rival input?" :o
Reply - Conversation - Jun 30, 2013
Hi. So what's your solution to this whole Syria thing?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Jun 5, 2013
hello how are you there?
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