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Edytab, 37 y.o.
Tokyo, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 55.
inactive user
Hi nice to meet you! :)
inactive user
Hi, dear. It's been a couple of weeks^^! How's it going? The rain season is over now?
Reply - Conversation - Jun 6, 2015
Hello Edytab, I am very happy to meet you here; I like to make friends and special Japanese people. My name Michel I am European and my parents was my mother German my father France. I bordering Greece and I grow up in Germany and France and letter when I finished when diversity I spent sometimes in Greece because I like warm weather. I speak German, English, Greek I am professional mechanical engineering and I have small-company of engineering. I left the company operates in people that I know in Canada. I left a Europe and I can in Canada and now I am Canadian citizen. My house is still in Georgetown Ontario Canada; Georgetown is 50 kilometer waste from Toronto very nice place and no crime. I never married and I don't have any children. Last year I am moving China temporary because in the island of Sanya Hainan is warm and I like to swim in the ocean I able to do thus all wrong the year, because Thailand and Philippines warm weather always they have programs and I worry about. I like Japan I just never been there I'm planning October 2015 to visiting I still don't know places with culture and history to visit in Japan. I will deeply appreciate if you will like to correspond with me and we established friendship, I hope you will write to me a will become a friend thank you. Michel
inactive user
Nice to meet you.
inactive user
Nice to meet u too Edyta :) I'm Emma
inactive user
you're welcome :)
inactive user
Yeah I thank you so much
inactive user
so pretty :) ^^
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2015
I'm also good. Thanks!!
Can I send you message directly?? ; )
Reply - Conversation - Mar 31, 2015
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