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Ed, 49 y.o.
Peterborough, United Kingdom [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals


Graduate degree
University College London

Relationship status

In a relationship

Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 20.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 30, 2020
I don't know of it is of interest? I guess I am more about lesrning about people than lesrning languages;-) The lesrning of or improving languages is a great side effect.
Reply - Conversation - May 1, 2020
Hallo Ed,
Geen dank! Jij bedankt voor je muurbericht!
Ik begryp datstû ek Frysk lêze kinst, no dan lit ik dy yn it Frysk ek mar witte dat ik it nijsgjirrich fyn datst ek Âldgermaanske talen studearre hast.
Ik ha sels Yslânsk leard en kin Âldyslânsk/Âldnoarsk wol begripe; Âldingelsk is wol lestiger.
inactive user
Really nice profile :)... Bra profil :)... Richtig gutes Profil ---- aber mein Plattdeutsch ist eher ärmlich, mit meinem Finnisch sieht´s auch nicht viel besser aus:)))!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 8, 2020
Hallo Ed,
ja, ich kann auch Plattdeutsch. Hast Du in Deutschland gelebt um die Sprachen zu lernen? Gruesse aus dem Nord-Osten von Schleswig-Holstein nicht weit von Kiel :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2020
Thanks. :) I do understand Frisian, but I don't actively speak it.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 3, 2020
Takk! :)
inactive user
Aside from the familiar vocabulary, the relative simplicity of Swedish grammar after several years of German was a bit of a relief, though. I can't lie - I certainly balked at the German case system as a university student, but I think it helps when you realise that you're not really attempting to accomplish anything you haven't already been doing; you're just trying to learn a new way of doing it. My professors left that bit out. As far as Danish is concerned, I think my main issue is that I have a terrible time with listening comprehension, but all in all I can't help but enjoy discovering the commonality between the Scandinavian languages, and between them and other Germanic languages. And the irregularities of the languages always seem to have interesting stories behind them, I think, if one is willing to dig.

That's lucky, then - it sounds like the profession chose you. :-) I suppose I stumbled somewhat into German translation, myself, or at least I never thought of it as a career when I started learning the language.

Of course I would be happy to hear any suggestions! Any new material is greatly welcome.
inactive user
It's a good language, I think :) Thanks for you rmessage!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2016
Oh was great sad ending
Reply - Conversation - Oct 7, 2016
Das boot was brilliant
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