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ERI22, 37 y.o.
Osaka, Japan [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 202.
inactive user
Hello, Eriko!:D Thx for reply to me!:D
Oh, really? Where did you go in Korea?!:D
well, I was visited to Osaka castle and Osaka's Univarsar studio in Osaka. It was very nice and fun so I want to visit Japan again in this winter vacation!:D
inactive user
Hi! I'm Susan come from Korea!:D Nice to meet you!:D
How are you?!:D Actually, I have been Japan's Osaka so I'm very interested in Japanese culture.
Reply - Conversation - May 16, 2010
You like Europe ?

Quebec city is the Europe in America :)
inactive user
Hi!!! How are you? Are you interested in Spain...:P hehehe!
How are you?
inactive user
hahah no no it's fine...the US is kind of lame anyway. :P
but oh, you're quite welcome >< lol
inactive user
Aww I was so surprised of your lovely message, thank you a lot! I know, i haven't used this site for a long time :D But now I am totally addicted to this :D
You are graduating !! Congratulations/ omedetĂ´!!
I have the same problem as you do, I haven't even started my portfolio and I should find a place to job at fall :s
What kind of projects you could put into your portfolio?

ps. I was in Japan in November 2009 and I met my friend who's name is Eriko also =)
inactive user
i'd be happy to teach you idioms >< lol...but you might not want me to because i'm not from europe T.T haha
Reply - Conversation - Jan 21, 2010
Imho, at you on a wall designers from every corner of the globe have gathered, but from Russia yet was`t)) Or I`m mistaken?))
Reply - Conversation - Nov 10, 2009
hi there i also want to me a grahipc designer in the near future so i think we can be th best friends ever after you have write to me this my e-mail address [email protected] hope you write to me byeee
inactive user
konbanwa! ^^
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