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EEMMi, 34 y.o.
Joensuu, Finland [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 17.
inactive user check these guy out. Hows your week coming along?
inactive user
There is lots to do in California, what did you do this last weekend that was fun?
inactive user
I've been in a sauna many of times after the gym work out :D Whats to do in California? Hmmm...just think it and it can be done. You can go to Disneyland, Magic Mountain, snowboarding, Surfing, concerts, shopping, Magic Castle, Staples Center for Lakers Basketball, Dodger Stadium in LA, Downtown San Francisco, Downtown San Diego, Lunch on Sunset Blvd, Venice Beach, Dana Point...the list would go on.
inactive user
Whats cool to do in Finland that you can't do anywhere else?
inactive user
yea waiting is the worst! just sitting around waiting for something to happen I hate it! dont worry though it will all go good for you I hope :-D
inactive user
Well thats good do you remember where she was in Indiana? Ive been there a couple of times unfortunately just in the bad areas :-s That sounds like a lot of fun! im working in a resort in the Grand Canyon so its pretty similar to what your doing!
inactive user
wow in Indiana?! how did she like it? So do you have any idea where in England you want to live? I have been to London, Cambridge and Oxford they seem nice I dont know if i could live there though! most of my favorite music comes from England though so :-D
inactive user
well I am moving to the grand canyon in March i got a job working in the national park there. After that im moving to New Zealand! so why England? :-)
inactive user
Ahh yes ive heard of Lapland I hear its verrry nice! So where do you want to move to? I am moving as well its way tooo boring here!
inactive user
Wow that would be pretty cool!! so where is the best area to go in Finland then? where is the most fun Helsinki? Yea Finnish is pretty cool though! ;-)
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