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Kim, 31 y.o.
Seoul, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
inactive user
캐나다 시민권자에요 ^^ 여기온지도 벌써 10년... 대학은 캐나다에서 가고 한국은 가끔식 놀러만 갈려구요 ㅎㅎ 내년 여름쯤?에 한국가요 ~
inactive user
아 그럼 걱정은 없겠네요ㅋㅋㅋ 조금 뒤처진다는 생각이 들어서요.음... 몇달만 있으면 대학가는데요
inactive user
교환학생은 아니고요 그냥 놀러...ㅋㅋ 요즘애들이랑 문자할때 slang 을 많이써서 이해하기가 힘들어요 ㅜㅜ
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2014
Yes,I'm so tired but happy.
Nanning is a city south of china ,Do you know Liu Sanjie?This city is the hometown of Liu Sanjie.
What's gaodeng sanninanji?
Reply - Conversation - Nov 23, 2014
Nice to meet you.
Be your language exchange friend is my pleasure.
I'm a high school student.Preparing for the college entrance examination.
Best wishes for you.
inactive user
YAY!! Im coming :3 Thank you ^^
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