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DoYoon, 29 y.o.
Hanam, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Flirting and romance

Joined 8 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 7 of 7.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 24, 2016
Yes there is a lot but I don't know any cause I don't watch them haha ^^ , lots of dramas, TV shows are there
Reply - Conversation - Sep 19, 2016
Yeah and old dramas too, been a fan of kdrama for more than 6 years now, Everything about kdrama world is appealing and just amazing, I just love it and it's the thing that got me so into korea and kpop ㅋㅋㅋ
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
Oh! I was born and still living in uae ^^ , I'm Christian and from lebanon...yeah gulf countries are Muslim countries but they accept different religions.
I watched W -two world , doctors , uncontrollably fond & let's fight ghost
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
Yeah I know that, that's why people find it weird when they know that I love korea , We'll if you wanna know about a arabic intertainment then it's different in various arabic country so which Arab country you're interested in, beside that learning arabic is fun. I watch both on TV (kbs world ) and on Internet..mostly Internet so I can keep up with the new drams lol
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
Yes I just love everything about korea , besides kpop and kdrama I love the korean culture and there's a lot of arabs who like kpop but mostly kdrama lol , I'm actually surprised there's a Korean who's interested in arabs and Arabic language , wahhh impressive:)
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
You're majoring in arabic? I'm ready to help you if you want :) I wanna improve my korean too
Reply - Conversation - Sep 17, 2016
You speak arabic? That's cool ^^
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