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Dee, 84 y.o.
Reading, United Kingdom [Current City]


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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 14 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 5 of 5.
Reply - Conversation - Nov 5, 2013
Hi Dee
Still about, went up to see my daughters last week and had a great time.
How are you ?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2013
Hi Dee
Thanks for your message, I think Newbury is in Berkshire, am I right ? Loving this hot weather but wish it would cool down in the evening as I live in a flat and it gets very hot.
What is American scrapbooking ? I read The boy in the striped pyjamas and also saw the film, very sad as we know that those things happened. I used to cook everything and make bread and cakes and chutneys when the children were young but nowadays I just do things for quickness as would rather be doing other things.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 27, 2009
Hello Dee,
Thank you for contacting me,you sound very nice,and we seem to have some things in common.I would be pleased to have you as my friend. Bye for now,
Reply - Conversation - May 17, 2009
Thanks - how is your back??
inactive user
Hi Dee. Glad you got it sorted on here. Hope you get some real nice penpals from here too xx
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