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Dahye, 30 y.o.
Cheonan, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 14 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 402.
inactive user are you?? :-)
Reply - Conversation - Jan 28, 2013
Hi~~yes! Of course ^---^ me too!! I'm fine~ and u?
Cool ↖(^▽^)↗ haha
inactive user
oh!! I want to see them so bad~
yeah i'm ok ;) now i feel really good^^
don't be ill to. because it's so cold and it's winter ;>
inactive user
oO 20 christmas cards? that's a lot!
I made only 4 but haven't sent them because I was ill for a long fime ;<
inactive user
I hope I have such a talent because I have to make a birthday card to my friend :)
inactive user
i saw them
it's beautiful!!! i want the same diary ~ ^^hahaha
inactive user
you write a diary? how sweet~ i wanted to write one too but when i tried it was not like i wanted it to be XD
inactive user
I love sweets~ but I've already eaten some (eaven too much) for past few days... now I have to eat more healthy food... but it's so hard ;<
inactive user
i understand. it's so cold outside. i don't want to go out too but sitting at home is killing me =.= where are you going to go?
inactive user
well. i was writing a story but now i'm stuck here talking to people ^^ and you?
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