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Yasmin, 30 y.o.
Slough, United Kingdom [Current City]

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Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 1063.
Reply - Conversation - Dec 20, 2011
Hi really ling time no see!
Do u remember me? How have u been? =)
inactive user
i am a k pop lover too
it will be nice if we can be good friends
inactive user
the bands you like are very awesome :)
I am so far listening to Se7en, 2PM, Big Bang, B2ST and MLAQ :)
as well as Girugamesh
Reply - Conversation - Aug 3, 2010
hello there (: sorry for not writing u so long ago >_< hope u donĀ“t mind it v.v.anyway how are u? anything special or new happened? (:
Reply - Conversation - Aug 1, 2010
New Month begins~!
How have you been getting along lately?

I had a great time in London for 18 days.
Are you enjoying your summer vacation?

Please take good care of yourself in this heat.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2010
Hi, sorry for the late reply.I've been busy because of my exams.
Now I can write my reply,hehe :))
Not she. Seeya cosists of three members :)
Well,Koreans have heard Seeya's songs at least once :)
inactive user
ok and you ?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 1, 2010
it's sad to know that JYJ will be participated in A-Nation 2010 without Yunho & changmin while YH&CM will be participated in SM Town 2010 without JYJ T-------T

I have just heard the news about SM Town..
inactive user
Don't worry about it.. I've been really busy with uni as well. ><

Yes! So much stuff happened!
I cried when I was watching JYJ's sad T^T
Jaejoong and Yuchun's new drama! Haven't watched any of them, but I know they're both really good. ^^
Yunho's gonna do a musical! Wanna see it so much! He looked so handsome at the press conference. >///<
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2010
haha that's okay! my replies are always late xD
woohoo really? that's great!
if you find that bird again, tell me how was it and take a photo! xD
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