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Chels, 32 y.o.
Lunenburg, Canada [Current City]



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Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 13 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 816.
inactive user
It'd be awesome to have an apartment together! We'd be like two peas in a pod. XD

Whoa no females? That's good in a way because classes with mostly girls tend to be bitchy and obnoxious anyways lol. It'd definitely be great to meet your friends someday, hopefully if I ever move into Halifax. My mom bought a house so I'm in the process of moving in with her. It's a big house, but she got it for a great deal - plus the woman who died in the house left behind EVERYTHING - furniture and valuables, so it feels like being on Canadian Pickers lol, it's like a treasure hunt.
Learning lots in computer science? Must be really hard, but knowing you, it's probs a breezeee ;D

I laughed so much at your betta fish story! lol, it was a sympathetic laugh, I promise! Bruce Lee, eh? Badass fish. XD Haha that's good he's fine though! Was it just because he was very small? Maybe he's like the opposite of lactose intolerant :P I can just see you acting like a super proud and excited mother when her child potty trains successfully for the first time. XD
inactive user
CHELSEY XD How are you? Things going good?

I'd love to move in with ya, but haven't found a job yet so won't be able to :( Been applying a lot, but no calls back as of now. Especially been trying to get into QEII, IWK, Victoria General Hospital, and other places in Halifax, but no luck so far.
inactive user
It'd be awesome if we could share an apartment! Maybe someday we could think about it - we'd get along so freakin' good lol. I feel so bad knowing that things aren't going that good with your roommate... I feel ya though! same sort of deal at Acadia when I had to share my dorm room with that one loud-mouth bitchy girl. Why do girls have to be morons? Hopefully things are going better now... would she listen if you ask her to get her act together? Totally unfair for you to deal with her crap.
Also, since things are super hectic with you - I imagine you're insanely busy juggling school work with work and stuff - I'm hoping that we'll catch up and stuff maybe during the summer? I hope to have an apartment and be working an actual job by then, if that's the case you should come visit for as long as you want. <3

PS, you know Chester Family Dental Centre? I am training/working there. :D 8-5, although Tues are 8-6. Really enjoying it, learning so much... It's pretty fun!
inactive user
-squeals- been so long jellybean! super stoked, how are you? how is school and work? things must be busy :/ hopefully it's all going great though, you're a smart chick-a-dee so it's probably no problem for ya ;D
Reply - Conversation - Dec 15, 2013
inactive user
Lol I can definitely imagine how scarily busy it must have been :S but that's good it is at Dal itself, plus you don't have to travel too far for work.
How are you liking your program? Is it fun? Stressful? Knowing you you're doing fabulous in your classes :-D
inactive user
Nice! That's cool you found a job, but it must be kinda difficult to juggle work with school, eh? I found it difficult to juggle university with... well, just university, but that just might be me and my laziness xD lol but it probably helps having the extra money while in school of course :)
Are you at Subway now? can you please tape a sub to a pidgin and fly him over here? There's no food here so I've just been drinking fatty yet yummy eggnog tonight xD
How comes eggnog is only available during x-mas? Wish it was buyable any time through the year.

And things are going good! Enjoying college, getting good marks on pretty much everything... although I had to put my dog Buddy down recently so that was kinda sad. I've always had pets, whether it be cats or dogs or even wild animals (like a raccoon) so it's weird to have no animals in the house for once :/
How did you like the first semester at Dal?
inactive user
Missed you!!!
How are you??!?
What all have you been up to?
Home from Dal yet?
inactive user
Miss you :'( I don't use my cell phone at all, hope you come online soon over x-mas break

love ya snookie <3
inactive user
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