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Captain Hitsugaya, 32 y.o.
Brisbane, Australia [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice


Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 37.
Reply - Conversation - May 25, 2014
Hi! How are you going these days?
inactive user
I'm good thanks and you ? ^ ^
inactive user
inactive user
i've been good thanks! the warm weather is finally starting to set in:D i'm sure uni studies are ten times harder than what i'm doing!
inactive user
Happy Birthday :D
inactive user
that's ok! thanks for your concern. was the camping trip fun?
inactive user
I wish I could spend Christmas in the Philippines... i'd be sooooooo excited... and no, it's not my real dog. My real dog just got put down today..... >_<
inactive user
Heeeeey! It's been a while!
inactive user
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