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Büşra, 26 y.o.
Aksaray, Turkey [Current City]

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Joined 9 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 15.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 26, 2019
inactive user
How are you?
I am hanim from srilanka.
I am 21 years old

I have a wish to make a community through world for helping people, volunteer Work and more
I am just collecting peoples for that.
If you prefer you can also join.
But I am also normal person...
But I have more dreams to achieve.

Now I have some friends in WhatsApp .
If you prefer give your WhatsApp number.
I will add to that group
You can share good things on it

But now I don't have anything except my dreams.
But I wish we can achieve in my future..
Everything begin with dreams.😊

It's a journey to :-
# searching Humanity
Seeking for Better humans

* We have hope to form a community through world. Then we are trying to form that..
Then we are collecting members for the community from now.

#our wish is working together in future I mean after 5/6 years.
Then from now as step we are collecting members for that.
We all have good thoughts and helping mind .But we can't achieve anything alone.
We must together for this reason...

Only we can change our life.No one can do it for us.

It's okay if some people dislike you .Not everyone has good taste.

If you prefer to join send messages in WhatsApp
With your screenshot of your Interpals account.
Email :- [email protected]
Now only collecting members don't want to hesitate join...
It will be successful in future..
We have faith on it...

The best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today (H. Jackson Brown)

The secret of getting ahead is getting started ( mark twin)

A man's true wealth is the good he does in this world.

Only by giving you are able to receive more than you already have. ( Jim Rohn )

Pls share this message to your friends.

Take care.
Allah Hafiz 😊
Have good day.😊
Reply - Conversation - Sep 9, 2018
thanks ahha i like your honesty too
inactive user
inactive user
u r welcome :)
inactive user
me either :)
inactive user
Nice pic:D
inactive user
Hi Büşra
Nice Profile :)
inactive user
You welcome! Thanks for posting message!
inactive user
Bitte bitte! Danke f
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