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Olga, 33 y.o.
Saint Petersburg, Russia [Current City]



Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 117.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 27, 2012
Who is your favourite Pre-Raphaelites painter? :D
Reply - Conversation - May 8, 2012
I have a dog and a hamster. I really love animals ^^
Reply - Conversation - May 7, 2012
hahaha, Ramona is so cute xD
inactive user
Hello hon! I'm Soo sorry! I just haven't been much lately..Of course I remember you!=D And I think it's so amazing that you've been here=D or are you still in Norway?

You gotta tell me about everything when you get back! I'm sorry I didn't see your message before, else I could be your guide. You went to Oslo, right?

inactive user
Hey Olga !
I'm really apologize to didn't respond to you before.. :/
Did you pass good summer ? :)
inactive user
yeah) nice to meet you here!)
inactive user
Héhé ^^ You'r right.. That's not interesting to talk about school and exams ;)
During this summer, I have a job to make money and after that pay my licence driving (1000€) lol.. and I do night parties sometimes with friends. Maybe, I will go to Poland at the last week of August to see my family. What about your summer ? :)
Ahahah xD Thunderstorms are always amazing ^^ When I was children I was very afraid about it.. Now, I'm not afraid ^^ Contrary, I like to see the power of nature in action :P But I hate when it's raining during several days -_-'

Your profile is really interesting :) Especially about sociology, psychology and Japan ^^
inactive user
Hi, thanks for the photo comment! I think your pictures look good as well and your profile's interesting. How are things going over in Russia?

inactive user
Congratulation for your tests ;)
What kind of exams did you pass ? :)
inactive user
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