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BellaNightmare, 35 y.o.
London, United Kingdom [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 12 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 373.
Reply - Conversation - Jun 11, 2021
Hey :)
inactive user
mad life?.
inactive user
AW MAN.....looks like another night in the refrigerator box behind KFC :P
OH MY GLOB, I want KFC! *o*
inactive user
London! :D Awesome^^, could I crash with you for a night or 1000 nights? :o lol
inactive user
you´re name is Bella, just like you, bellisima, i´m robert from the house romero in the land called mexico, i suck at introducing myself, but i saw you like Game of thrones so, i decided to try with this hehehe, also you like bobs burgers, and im a god cooking burgers :D
inactive user
pretty good my dear. I need to inspect more of Germany though. Have to admit that after a year i still have not seen much :/

how is life for you?
inactive user
Hi there gorgeous,

still active i see xoxo
inactive user
nice dog lol
Reply - Conversation - Jun 24, 2014
I wish I could have bellenightmare ;)
inactive user
"nice moustache! :D"...zugegeben, der Spruch unten klingt jedoch auch wie eine weise Lehre eines alten Zen-Mönches.
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