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Ji-hye, Lee, 33 y.o.
Cheongju-si, South Korea [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 794.
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2009
Ni hao mèimei, do you rememberme? Ni hao ma?
Wõ xiang Wangshuai
Reply - Conversation - Apr 28, 2009
oh my gosh, i am the worst interpal in the world. I am sorry i haven't replied in like a million years, but i didn't get my new computer untill january, and then i just never had time to get on. i am glad your computer is back up!
inactive user
busy these day~late to reply sorry~^^""
it's great!!
hehe~~i like bio~~haha
i don't know very much in pinyin~~=p
in hong kong we have learn this~~=p
inactive user
hey...I haven't sent you a message?? ahhh, I thought it was your turn now! I'm sorry. have you been? anything special?
news?? =) I'm curious.
inactive user
Hello! Long time no see. B) sorry for my larte reply ><"""
Oh, I'm so glad that your exams result are fine~
How have you been? ^w^
inactive user
aahhh ur so cutee *o*

ahahahahhahahha, u'r funny.
Girl, untill yesterday it was cold and wind
but today make a really HOT day,
its raining now do u know..

I go to school uniform less, I study in a
public school so, we dont need uniform, I guess it bad cz
i have to decide everyday for clothes to go to school nd uniforme
I guess, make a school on bit more respected :}
Reply - Conversation - Oct 14, 2008
oh,no...but it´s good that you don´t need it in the university.what do you want to study?
but i have chemistry this year,and i don´t really like it,also because of our teacher...i rather had biology than chemistry,but i won´t choose chemistry next year,so i don´t really worry about it^^
inactive user
well for me geometry is proving to be a hard fish to
get.. i mean i get the work, but sometimes i just
dont know what in the planet i'm doing...i think i may need to go
to couple consoling if i want this relation ship to last..
i hope you had fun in computer class and had a good day...^^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2008
this is good i wish you nice grades... i can say that i hate biology too... i dont know anybody who love biology :-D... and how are you today??
Reply - Conversation - Oct 11, 2008
Hallo Bebhin,
es gefällt ir, dass du die Tests hinter dir hast. Ich werde dich nie vergessen, weil du mir schon richtig ans Herz gewachsen bist, aber ich habe dich vermisst.
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