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Mana, 36 y.o.
Angles, France [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 150.
inactive user
Coucou Mana,

Ca va? Je voulais savoir si tu cherchais toujours des correspondantes par lettres? Car je serai intéressée. :)
Tu peux visiter mon profil si tu repasses par ici.

Biz. Mag
inactive user
inactive user
sry project i mean
inactive user
i know i am 14 but i need help

i am doing this projt on france nd i need serious help

can u help me plz and my name is hayley and nice pic and name
Reply - Conversation - Oct 13, 2008
Ok, I love your picture! I love Yu-Na Kim and Mao Asada also. Big skating fan!
inactive user
hi :-)
i'm mina from korea!

i was surprised with your profile photo!
do u like yu-na kim!?
she's my favourite skater in womem single skater!
(my favourite favourite skater is world champ. jeff buttle haha)
anyway,especially i love her 3f-3t jump!
it's very light and high!

i wanna talk about skating with you~
have a nice day! bye!
Reply - Conversation - Oct 8, 2008
hey just a quick note
how are you ? been busy???
ive finally started lectures and i dont have a clue what is going on lol
but i have started a new sport- snowboarding it is soooo cool
hope to hear from you soon
Reply - Conversation - Oct 6, 2008
Hello, mana
nice to meet you :D
inactive user

I'm sorry for replying this late, i've been so busy and just yesterday i was able to log in on here after a long time of being away. And the reason for my busy life has been the moving and the new school... and getting used to the fact that i'm finally taking care of all of my things (cool, it's hard, but kind of fun i think :)

So yeah, i've moved to an apartment with a couple of my friends and i really like it here! the place is pretty and the neighbourhood is nice, no trouble makers around so far :) and i'm studying hotel and restaurant management, and i must say that i really like my school! my classmates are so nice, kind and friendly.

How about you? How has your last year of English studies started? :)

Hope to hear from you soon ^_^
Reply - Conversation - Oct 2, 2008
today finished midterm exam!
although i don't have good score any subject :(
cuz i am stupid!
and my day is tooooo bored :(
do you like snail mail ?

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