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Ditsakorn, 32 y.o.
Nakhon Sawan, Thailand [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 6 of 6.
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2015
Hello, Baitoey. I'm Adil and would like to meet you!
inactive user
yeah !! I really like it :D its pretty cool haha xD
inactive user
really like ur hate :D
Reply - Conversation - Jul 15, 2013
ohh Thx ;)) I'm not sure Thai or Thai language. I've studied english since i was six years old but study with Thai teacher so speaking,listening skill aren't well. ;)) and Thai student alway speak Thai. English, learn and forget it hahaha When i was 13 years old i studied with Thai teacher who speak english all time and my english is better however it's just 3 years. now,i decide to study english with british teacher i think it's very good for me ;)) i've studied for 3 months ;)

and How r u today?
Reply - Conversation - Jul 14, 2013
Awh thanks sweetie :) You're cute too! and very pretty :D You know sweetie, in English we don't say 'Thai language', we just say 'Thai' :) So you can just say 'are you studying Thai?' :)
But well... I am a little bit :P I have some Thai friends who've taught me a few phrases, but it's very difficult ! It's very different to English :P But it's a beautiful language though :) I'd appretiate some help :)
and what about you sweetie, how long have you been learning English? :) xx
Reply - Conversation - Jul 2, 2013
Hey Baitoey :) How are you sweetheart? It's nice to meet you too :) Always a pleasure to chat with Thai people! Perhaps you could help me with the language, eh? ;) Also, if you ever have any questions about English... let me know sweetie! :D x
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