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Sean Garvin, 39 y.o.
Toronto, Canada [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 16 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 18.
inactive user
i forgot...i bookmarked you
inactive user
I am reading the favorite shaksperian play is hamlet....I always wanted to play hamlet... but i can't act...and then i always wanted to play ophelia...she was crazy and wild as they come....

very cool profile

Reply - Conversation - Dec 9, 2008
so good in korea... i'm readying for my trip^^
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
..Oh god, she's teling you everything i say huh? D;
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
Good riddance! <3
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
Lulu and I had a fabulous time. I won't try to hide it
inactive user
inactive user
Holy shit, I just noticed I double posted you.

Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
It's one of those things you can just tell you won't like without having to experience it...Kinda like getting stabbed, or shot. You just know.

..Yeah, Amy probably would. v_v She told you about the skirt right?
Reply - Conversation - Dec 8, 2008
<.< Trying to do something behind my back eh?... That's fine... I approve of this.
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