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Ayumi, 30 y.o.
São Paulo, Brazil [Current City]
Mauá, Brazil [Hometown]

Looking for

Language practice
Meeting in person


Graduate degree
University of São Paulo (USP)


Architecture University Student

Relationship status


Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 127.
Reply - Conversation - Feb 17, 2012
Hello =)
inactive user
How much school is left for you? :D
I'm studying electrical engineering (freshman). Uhmm German system is different. Our semesters are from october to march, and apirl to september. So march is vacations and february is the last month of winter semester and its time for exams :D
inactive user
What do you help them to do? For me its just uni so far. Exams will be soon.
inactive user
So how is 2012 going for you so far?
inactive user
o.õ caramba hauhau feliz 2012 ^_~ pelo visto as festas foram boas :P
inactive user
feliz novo ano :) (i hope thats right)
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2011
sualinda kkkkkk
Reply - Conversation - Dec 31, 2011
inactive user
Feliz ano novo =)
inactive user
I see :D What do you usually like to do for your free time?
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