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AnnaRosalene, 35 y.o.

Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 68.
Reply - Conversation - Apr 13, 2010
How are you?
My name is Nikolay
I am from Russia
Would you like to be my penpal?
I now study English language. I can help to learn to you Russian.
inactive user
hello lovely! i was just surfing for a jewel, when i saw a bunch of diamonds which is your picture!!!that makes u seen like a jewel of an inestimable value!!! when i saw your pic i just decided to stop by & say that i really admire that which i saw & am very curious to know more about u ,i also believe that my curiosity is based on the fact that u are very beautiful that's why i decide to drop u a line,see u cute & have a great day.plz keepon sweetie!!!
Reply - Conversation - Mar 3, 2010
I would love to receive another letter from you!
It sucks, that mine has never reached you!!! :-(
Makes me kinda angry!!
Please let me know, when you'll send the letter!
Reply - Conversation - Feb 28, 2010
I miss talking to you!! :-(
Have you ever received my letter - I sent it to you months ago!!
inactive user
You’ve never been to the west coast? I definitely want to go there.
Have you any plans for your summer holidays? I think I’ll be on beaches on the Mediterranean.
Hanging around, read a book and relax. That’s my plan for the summer. I'm lazy, I know. ^^
Do you have any cool plans for the weekend?
inactive user
Hey. How are you today?
I’m very tired because I went out last night till 3 am.
It was so much fun. :D
What have you done on Friday night?
I already traveled to London, Rome, New York, Munich, Berlin, I’ve been to the Netherlands and soon I’ll travel to Venice.
Places I want to travel to are: Paris, Amsterdam, Tokyo, maybe Indonesia and definitely the US again.
In the US I want to travel to Seattle and L.A. The last time I’ve been to the US I was on the East Coast.
Next time I want to travel to the West Coast.
Have a nice weekend. :)
inactive user
Wow. That sounds pretty cool.
I thought about studying psychology as well.
And I’m totally jealous, that you’ve seen Paramore
in concert and that several times. :)
The “state” I live in is named “Niedersachsen”.
In English: Lower Saxony.
It’s in the north of Germany and 3 h away from Berlin.
I’m tired of rain and snow, too.
So what do I like to do for fun? Hmn.
My hobbies are reading, listening to music, meet my friends,
drawing (right now I’m painting an oil painting), being outside, traveling and so on.
How about you?
Write back soon. ;)
inactive user
Hey Anna.
What do you study in college?
My like to listen to: alternative, post grunge, punk rock, indie, blues and so on.
Some of my favorite bands are: Three Days Grace, Metric, Paramore, Die Ärzte
(It's a Deutschrock-Band), Coldplay, Radiohead, Death Cab for Cutie, The Kooks, The Shins, The Strokes, System Of A Down, omg there are so much more great bands.
I do like Owl City & Fall Out Boy as well. :) You’ve got a good taste of music.
How’s the weather in Ohio?
Here in Germany it’s cold and it snowed again. I don’t like it very much. (:
Have a nice Thursday and write back soon.
inactive user
How are you these days?
I’m okay. I learned very hard for a biology class test.
But now I’m done. My favorite T.V. shows are Sex and the City, Grey’s Anatomy & Futurama.
And yes, New York is amazing.
We went out to see a Broadway musical. (Marry Poppins)
The Berlin wall is cool, but there isn’t much left of it. As I was in Berlin I’ve visited some cool castles and museums.
I really do LOVE Berlin.
What kind of music do you like? Andy favorite bands or singers?
inactive user
You’re almost 100% German?
Pretty good. ;)
Germany is not that interesting.
But where would you spend your two weeks in Germany?
Bavaria or maybe Berlin? Berlin is pretty cool.
I’ve been there last summer. I loved to stay in the US.
My favorite part was the trip to New York and to
live in an American family. I definitively want to come back.
Do you have a favorite tv-show?
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