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Sanna, 35 y.o.
Växjö, Sweden [Current City]

Looking for

Language practice

Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 169.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 10, 2009
Hej Sanna, how's life is your little part of the world? :D

Hälsningar från Marocko! XD
inactive user
oh lol that's so interesting
inactive user
no i mean... spanish come from latin and other languages too
i'm just wandering the root language of swedish, where it started
inactive user
haha, yeah
oh but you can understand finnish then?
lol where does swedish come from?
inactive user
oh lol in spanish that was lilte rude to call a guy a femenine adjective xD bu its cool
inactive user
oh lol i used to have a friend i don't remember if this was finnish or swedish, lol
what's mina racastan sinua???
inactive user
lol, don't apologize i was just kidding xD
do you like spanish?
inactive user
Uhm....... latina describes a latin girl........
inactive user
Heey Sanna ;) How have you been?!
inactive user
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