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Anela, 33 y.o.
Utrecht, Netherlands [Current City]



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Joined 17 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 507.
inactive user
Hi, How are you? Can we be friends? How do you do in your country?
inactive user
he lives like 40 mins away by car, but i see him a lot.
hes just had lots of family events so i havnt been able to see him much :(
but were still good :)
love him lots
inactive user
i really miss my boyfriend!
it sucks so much.
inactive user
mehh im ok thanks
bit sad..

thank you :)
inactive user
haha sorry im such a air head
so what u up 2
inactive user
oh im sorry seems like u had some probs with it as well annoying people
whats i-net
inactive user
oh sorry well i use 2 then it got abit how can i say this well they wanted more than talkin if u know what i mean same with my email
inactive user
hey :)
how are you?
Reply - Conversation - Apr 27, 2008
heyy how are you?_? long time no seee!
inactive user
hey alles goed leuke foto ook al zie ik alleen je haar
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