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Aliciah is Stupendous , 33 y.o.

Joined 15 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 2829.
inactive user
Aleesjaaaah =)
inactive user
well lawd wdc
inactive user
Whaaaat? D:
inactive user
Come on msn more woman, me no like facebook!
I miss you too ); <3
inactive user
tonight? I get done class at 930
inactive user
Little ohh so tiny aliciah the Australian Texan. I do not hate you for you are unhate-able. I thought you hated me. Because of your comment like 2 comments ago. Are you still with that boi? : P I lost my job and got it back. It was crazy! They love me too much to let go. I don't blame them! I heard you visited Penn. Did you like it? WTF else is going on? Unless you don't like me that is. Deal with it. : P
inactive user
I miss my chats with you.
inactive user
Lol great request section XD How's life at Texas eh ? I'm kanth btw .......
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Oct 28, 2010
haha sorry for the late reply, I've been like MEGA busy with school -.-
hate it...
well well I'm sickies too to be honest -.- haha
having a fever, but need to go to school anyway to do a discourse about some swedish warplane... god my head will explode >.<
at least there's holiday next week ;D

take care!

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