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Alejandro, 39 y.o.
Metepec, Mexico [Current City]


Looking for

Language practice
Postal pen pals
Flirting and romance

Joined 10 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 76.
inactive user
Hola ! Thanks.
You can message me in japanese if you like.
I am learning spanish but not that seriously haha
Reply - Conversation - Jan 24, 2016
Thanks, waiting for your recommendation.
Reply - Conversation - Jan 6, 2016
Dear Uribe
I love Mexican food. Not many Mexican restaurant in Seoul... You want to live in Korea. May I ask you why? any big reason?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 15, 2015
Hi, nice to meet you.
thanks for your post.
I am larning spanish!!
inactive user
yes. i have one
inactive user
hi alex,
thank you for visiting my profile.
id glad to help you with korean. :)
inactive user
y tu que haces en tu vida?
inactive user
si, pero ahora tengo estudios para dos y medio aƱos, despues pruebo algo
inactive user
si, pero tengo que hablar muy bien espanol y tambien saber las peculiaridades de la gente que vive alli
inactive user
soy psicologa y quiero trabajar como psicoterapeuta
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