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Aino, 30 y.o.
Helsinki, Finland [Current City]

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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 820.
inactive user
One Helluva profile!

I was listing out profiles with a tag on India and landed up here.

And "RANDOMNESS IS A LIFESTYLE!" certainly seems apt to describe you!

Reply - Conversation - Nov 1, 2013
i had a laught for all the "about me" long, you're a genius!
inactive user
Whoa a decembrist!
How i adore Pushkin...

Reply - Conversation - Jul 27, 2013
ahh,yes!summer rain is nice,i do admit.i think that's probably the only thing i like about summer,is when it rains haha.
hahaha,well there's nothing wrong with that,you're all just so excited to talk (: it's good you can be both though,enjoy social outings but also enjoy your own company as many people i know can only do one or the other,always out or never leaves the house.i'm the second one haha.i'm starting to want to be more outdoors intrigues me (:
i really love her in my best friend's wedding with rupert will always be a favourite of mine,especially because they sing mine and my mum's song haha.have you seen that movie? (: i've seen bits of pretty woman but i haven't sat down and watched it the whole way through.
haha the name is maori,but the maori way of spelling it is "whanganui" (fong-a-new-e) it was just really boring,there was never anything to do.all you could really do was walk around town in the weekend with your friends but all town really was,was just a long straight street and that was it.there was also never any jobs,the schools focused more on what you were wearing and your hair colour than your actual education.everyone in wanganui wants to leave,and i was luckily enough to be able to do that haha.
awh really?well if you weren't poor and this world wasn't expensive,where in the world would you like to go? (: awh haha,well there's no reason you can't do both (; i just want to travel as much as i can before settling down,you know?because once you're settled,it's hard to get out again.i hope to settle in ireland though,that's my dream (:
well that's good atleast,you get the lifestyle of nothing ever happening to big cities where everything happens haha.which cities do you go to for shopping?what does finland consist of,like country roads or..?
that's okay!my reply was late too,i'm really bad at checking my wallposts, has been up and down,haven't had much of a good week this week sadly,but i'm getting be
inactive user
I'll totally give them a listen ! I'm not really into the whole techno vibe but I love to review bands and I support everyone :) At the moment I've just discovered this awesome band from England called The 1975. The singer has a powerful voice and it's so amazing. Listen to the song Sex by them.

I live RIGHT in Ottawa. Right in the middle, where all the action is ;) 10 min from Parliament hill.
You're so lucky, I love the country side too. My family has a cottage and I spend a lot of my time there in the summer.
CONGRATS ON UNIVERSITY ! I love Uni. I finished my first year, can't wait to start back in September!!

I worked at Ottawa's Bluesfest. (It's not really blues music anymore) From July 4th to the 14th. It was AMAZING!! Got to see and meet SO many bands it's crazy. Best part of summer :) I'm off to Montreal in 2 weeks for another music festival there.
inactive user
Well hello there ! Thank you for the message, wow :)
Hmm, I loooove movies. Mostly Drama's and John Hughes movies. I'm also obsessed with the 80's and books.

I love hearing new bands and everything so I would be so glad to introduce you to bands and vice versa !
LOVE Two Door Cinema Club, that's awesome you saw them :) Sucks you weren't feeling good though :/

Ottawa is amazing, I've lived here my whole life and I love it.
It's busy and can be loud but totally worth it.

I'm sorry I haven't replied sooner, I was very busy with a summer semester and a music festival I work at.
Have a good day :)
Reply - Conversation - Jun 18, 2013
hey aici,nice to meet you c:
i'm great thankyou!it's raining and cold here at the moment and i'm loving it haha :b how're you?
awh,thankyou so much.i read yours too last night,you seem like so much fun and like a really outgoing person :D i love it because it's just one of those kind of movies that inspires you to go out and travel and experience new things and meet wonderful and interesting people and it just made me even more wanderlust hahah.i really want to read the book now.
you should definitely watch it again c: she is an amazing actress,i agree.
i do!i grew up in the city i live in now-auckland.but i moved for about ten years to another town called wanganui and i just hated i was really happy to move back last year c: new zealand is a beautiful small country,i'm glad i grew up here but now i'm at the point where i want to discover the rest of the world :b what's it like where you live?do you enjoy it there?
have a good day/night c: x
inactive user
how r u ?
nice to meet you
inactive user
A dyslexic guy walks into a bra
inactive user
Hello,how are you?hope to you that you are extremely fine :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Please,can I add you or not?,"Just and only to be friends,nothing more than that" :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Even if you reject that,I will respect your opinion and I will carry it out,but it is an extremely nice chance that I visited your profile :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
Anyway take a good care of yourself,good bye,best of luck,and best wishes to you and for you all over the time :) :D ^_^ (F) :$ .
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