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Jonathan Moulton, 41 y.o.

Joined 18 years ago, profile updated 3 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 60.
inactive user
Hi :) Nice profile and nice hair!
Reply - Conversation - Aug 24, 2008
Thanks for the post! I hope that you feel better soon and that you enjoy the week ahead. I am doing fine thanks.
inactive user
may you recover so sorry about it...
im a student at university..
i study chemistry and i love really doing what i wish...;)
inactive user
me too not much... just chilling out....
and a little later, i'll be watching a movie with my friends...:)
what do u do for your life?
Reply - Conversation - Aug 17, 2008
How are you?
I hope that all is well.
inactive user
heya again. and thanks for the reply..
im alive too... what r u doing?
inactive user
sounds like my mom...she says she likes kittens and puppies but when they grow up they annoy her.....
inactive user
hello there... how r u?
inactive user
Reply - Conversation - Aug 8, 2008
I just had to stop by, since you showed up on my "random users" list three times in a row.
Funny how that is. I am reading The Art of War right now. Anyway I wanted to say hello and I hope all is well for you. :)
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