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Justine, 31 y.o.
Paris, France [Current City]


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Joined 16 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 3935.
Reply - Conversation - Sep 14, 2012
hi im jerika ^^ you seem really fun to talk to
Reply - Conversation - Jul 19, 2012
[email protected]
Reply - Conversation - May 24, 2012
i sure do... check your message inbox. :)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 16, 2012
um, its me...kevin
just saying...hi
i have a different profile picture right now
but you'll recognize my other picture
Reply - Conversation - Mar 28, 2012
Yeah, I'm with ya on that, haha. Either that or I'm too lazy to respond to anyone.

That's too bad though :( I suppose that would happen, especially since you didn't go with anyone else you know. How much longer are you going to be there?

:O How were you stuck there for a month? I really hope you had at least a place to stay, that would've sucked hard otherwise. But you're sooooooooooooo lucky for seeing them! I'm quite envious. Foster is bomb, and so are the Monkeys. Damn you! :p

Me, not so much. It's been really nice here the past few weeks, so winter is over for us and I've been outside doing random things: playing soccer, going on burn rides, hiking a bit, you know, nature-y things haha. Other than that, just school. I'm about to finish up my 2nd year in a few weeks and I'm so pumped for the summer.

I'll message ya my facebook and email address since you're not on here much anymore.
Reply - Conversation - Mar 27, 2012
Amazing pseudo lol !
Ouais j'ai écris en anglais, ça fait plus swagg ta vu !
Reply - Conversation - Mar 5, 2012
aah bonjour?
was that right?
im sorta new to interpals
if you like, could we talk?
Reply - Conversation - Feb 25, 2012
Hey! How are you? It's been awhile. I hope you are doing great. :)
Reply - Conversation - Feb 19, 2012
Hey Justine, how are you?! Sorry I've been MIA for a bit, and didn't respond to your last message for a while. My computer died during the first week of December and replying to long messages on my phone is a pain in the ***, ha.

Anyway, I was on vacation when you messaged last, but now I'm back at school doing work. Sounds like a great time though in Chile! Must feel weird being somewhere across the world by yourself. How funny does the weed taste? Because we just started getting medical marijuana from a couple of people that live downstairs from my apartment. But, medical Mary Jane doesn't begin to compare what European weed probably is like, haha. Anyway, reading from what you said last, how was the south of Chile? And have you gone to the beach yet?

Talk to ya' soon!
inactive user
haha. you're welcome! <3
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