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Katie, 31 y.o.
Tooele, United States [Current City]

Looking for

Meeting in person
Postal pen pals


writer, stay at home mom

Relationship status


Joined 11 years ago, profile updated 4 years ago.

Displaying posts 1 to 10 of 22.
Reply - Conversation - May 11, 2018
So nice ,lol
Reply - Conversation - May 5, 2018
Just passing by so thought I'd say hello. You have a cool profile =)
Reply - Conversation - Apr 29, 2018
Reply - Conversation - Apr 5, 2018
HAHA ,nice ,I think camping it’s interesting ,isn’t it ?
Reply - Conversation - Mar 7, 2018
Hi ,I am fine ,what about you ?I like playing basketball ,running,walking 。。。what about you ?
inactive user
how are you doing ?
inactive user
Congrats! My husband and I are celebrating our 4th anniversary tomorrow. Time sure flies. Before I know it I'm a mother to two kids.
inactive user
That's true. But at the same time I get people asking for my name and where I'm from. lol seriously? It's in my profile!

Anyway, how long have you've been married?
inactive user
I feel you when it comes to people not reading profiles. I recall a time where I had 12 new messages and 11 of them were "Hi how are you?" ones.

inactive user
she is awesome nerd :))
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